easy unease
Images designed to encapsulate how my anxiety manifests - fear of my own mortality.
My body does this annoying thing called have a panic attack when I get too stressed out. Every time I start imagining the sheer scale of time and how brief my existence is comparatively, I start hyperventilating. I take it as alarm to myself that I’m anxious about a deadline for something tangible in my life and not for its entirety. These are how my anxiety feels - a lurch before a fall, something stuck in your throat, a faceless tension.
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twenty - five
hard to swallow pills
the work is never finished
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portraits 02
Selected portraits in nature, making use of available light.
portraits 01
Selected portraits with neutral background or indoors, making use of available light.
Blasphemous portraits that approach paintings in which only the holiest of Sinners allowed.